Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sparky New Look

Sparky has been given a new full-groom look over the weekend. Really felt a bit 'sayang' when the moment I saw the groomer snapped his razor on him - straps & straps of long coat came falling down to the ground. David (the groomer) even jokingly asked Jermaine if she wanted to keep Sparky's pony-tail pompom as a 'souvenir' !!! So we left him there and came back after 5 hrs to pick him up. Well the result is not too bad after-all! Sparky looks more bubbly and happy with his new lighter coat, just like a new 'lao' puppy (hehehe). David commented the beautiful & healthy coat tat Sparky has and tat's why he will look good in both long and short coat. Hmmmm.... thanks to me for taking so good care of him for the past 4 yrs...........

"Before & After Cut

Past Photos from 2mths till now 4yrs
puppySparky2Sparky1Sparky3picture0077file0008Sparky4Sparky5sparky 210304sparky 210306dscn4810sparky 210303dscn4794dscn0714dscn4807

"My Favourite Shot ~ The Cotton Ball Sparky"


Haha! I'm finally back to blog! Don't ask my WHY 'cos I myself can't find an answer too (arrrrrrrrrghhhhhh) !! So let's cut it short and see what I have now ..........

"Christie's New-Born Prince "Cavin"

On 18 Dec 07, Our Christie has finally given birth bravely to her little handsome Prince 'Cavin'. I'm so happy for her and her lao-gong 'cos they hv longed for this darling baby for so long and now the Gift of God is in their loving arms now!! I'm sure they are enjoying their new * exciting parenthood lifestyle now - busily changing diapers and making milk, not forgetting the cuddling and rocking every now and then (hahaha). Like to share some pics of the cute little prince here ...........

"2 days old @ Thomson Medical"
"abt 10 days old - See his funny sleeping patterns!!"
"the cuttest candid shot"
"Jermaine 1st experience cuddling a baby"