Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hmmm before I started my blogging this morning, I'm thinking hard what to put as the "Title" for today's posting ~ so finally i decided to name it "A Wonderful Week & A Wonderful Day"... and here goes my long-winded journal for the past 1 week ......

1st Happening on the morning of 18 June (Wed) ~ woke up pretty early getting ready to go for my Final Theory Test @ Ubi Test Centre. Haha me a bit Kiasu la, b4 actual test @9.15am went to sign up for another E-Trial test session @ 8.00am !!!! But I'm really glad I did that, cos I managed to complete 2 papers (1st one failed but 2nd one passed!) and it did help me to refresh many of the questions & answers. So finally when the actual test screen was right in front of me, Oh My... I was like back to my school exam times some 25 yrs back (hohoho) ... feeling nervous and having cold feet & sweaty palms ... especially when I had to click that END TEST button (my heart went pip-pop-pip-pop). FINALLY FINALLY and PHEW PHEW the big 6-letter word "PASSED" appeared in the screen and I was like screaming in silence YEAH YEAH YEAH & WOW WOW WOW ~ so seow me(heehee).

Then came the 2nd good news later tat day ~ I finally received a call from HDB town officer (after 2 mths of neck-long waiting) informing me that my appeal for early eligibility of sale is APPROVED!!! So now I need not wait till 1 Sept to submit my resale should I'm lucky to find a buyer anytime now. In a way, it does benefit us more if this approval is granted ~ bcos we will be ahead of any intended seller come 1 Sept thus less competitive in selling, and also by then the whole completion of this sales & purchase will be timely enough for me to settle down at my next flat b4 year end. So now our wish is hoping for the right buyer to faster faster come-by !!!

NOW let's go on to read what happened after Wednesday...

Over the next 2 days, 3 buyers came by to view the house ~ not much comments received and no offers given ~ so I was like a bit 'downhearted' but still hoping for the best..... and keeping my fingers crossed!! Then came Saturday (my so-called Wonderful Day!)

~~ Firstly ~~ While accompanying my sister to this dressmaker to tailor-make her cheongsum outfit for Jessie's wedding, I was delighted to also find myself a nice cheong-sum dress which suits me perfectly well! even the ladyboss was amazed that her newly completed dress (which was actually meant for showroom display) can suit my size so well w/o any alteration! So there goes another $150.00 from my pocket-hole (hohoho) but I'm so pleased with it.

~~ Secondly ~~ When I got home, there was this old couple with their daughter who came by my place for the viewing. Although the lady's mother was wheel-chair bound, but we still invited her to move freely around to view the whole place. Think bcos of this, she was so pleased and happy when they finished viewing. Before the family left they asked for our best price and we said $670k. Then just before another family were supposed to come for viewing too, the agent representing the 1st family came up again ~ and counter-offered $660k. We told him we need to consider as another family was on their way up. This agent was so persuasive and persistent and refused to leave. He just stand outside the house and started making calls to his buyer, while the next family came in for the viewing. Halfway thru, this agent dashed into our house and pulled my agent aside and quietly told him that his buyer has further counter-offered $665k. Wow the next thing I know, was like as if we were having auction like tat ~ cos both familys' representing Agents were giving counter-offers at the same time!!! Finally, the selling price was closed at $668k ~ Phew! Phew! We were all so excited and thrilled as we never expected it to close this deal so smoothly & quickly {I must go back to Waterloo St temple bai-bai liao!!!)

~~ Thirdly & Lastly ~~ In the night, ah-lao and me went for the Air Supply Concert! Oh its a great concert, with great music and great songs by both Russel Hitchcock and Graham Russell, singing to the hearts 6,500 audience. Halfway through the concert, almost everyone in Max Pavillion got off their seats, standing up waving, cheering, clapping and singing along with the Duo. Its really amazing, just like a massive karaoke session formed by fairly mixed crowd of all races (we have Ang-Mors, Malay, Indian & Chinese) singing to familiar tunes like "Even the Nights Are Better" "Just As I Am" "A Little Bit Of Everything" "The One That You Love" and the unforgettable Encore Song "All Out Of Love". They are certainly not out of steam even though they are both in their late 50's and have been singing for the last 33 years !!!


For now let's enjoy watching this music video of AIR SUPPLY singing "All Out Of Love"
some 20yrs back (I think)

{at the end of the video clip, you may click to watch the other videos too)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Home Sweet Home (Part2)

Valuation Report is finally out !! Hmmmm We are happy with the valued sum of $600,000.00 ~ seems its the highest around the estate followed by another unit of $590k over at Block 1 #19 flr!!. So mine at #13flr, with this value is considered reasonably good! Advertisement will be out this weekend and I'm rather excited to see what's the response like ~ keeping our fingers all crossed to see who will walk in to offer the highest COV (cash on value)....from our asking price of 680 k.... Wish me Good Luck!!